The Holy Name Society is an organization for the men of the Parish, committed to reverence for the Sacred Names of God and Jesus Christ. During the year, the society focuses on assisting parish ministries by performing the Corporal Works of Mercy.
The men actively volunteer by sponsoring the Advent Clothing Drive and helping cook and serve food at the Hoboken Shelter.
They also serve as the primary ushers at each mass.
The Holy Name Society takes an active role during the Novena and Feast in Honor of Saint Ann by managing the Church, the Feast Day Mass, and the Procession of the Saint through Hoboken.
The men also lead the Gesu Morto Procession on Good Friday, which mourns the death of Jesus Christ. The procession is part of the Easter Triduum, which starts on Holy Thursday and ends on Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) before Easter Sunday.
They meet on the first Tuesday after the first Sunday of the month, at 7 pm, in the Parish Center. If you would like more information about the Holy Name Society and/or are interested in becoming a member, please email [email protected] or fill out the interest form below.
Joe Truglio, President
Matt Diglio, Vice-President
Eric Celestino, Treasurer
Felix Gonzalez, Secretary
7:00pm in the Parish Dining Room
September 12, 2023
October 3, 2023
November 7, 2023